Angela's Blog

What is Chi?

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This is an article by Danny Dreyer, the creator of ChiRunning and ChiWalking, explaining the meaning of Chi. I would not be able to write it better so here you go:

"We have talked so much about ChiRunning on our runs, thought I would include info on "chi energy".

I know that we have experienced the flow of chi when we run as it does feel effortless. (We refer to it as being in the Zone!)

Chi MasterChi (pronounced chee and also spelled qi or ch'i) is energy - the life giving energy that unites body, mind and spirit. Everyone has Chi. When you die, your Chi is no longer there.

It is a lifetime (or many lifetimes) of study to understand, develop and direct one's Chi as the Masters do. However, great strides can be made to increase and direct one's Chi with simple exercises and practices. It is always worth the effort. It is amazing how well our body responds to proper care even if we've neglected it or been abusive for a long time. This is part of the function of Chi.

When your Chi is strong, balanced, flowing and focused you exude energy and good health. Good health and strong, balanced Chi are almost one and the same. In Chinese Medicine one of the causes of ill health is the stagnation or blockage of Chi.

In T'ai Chi, ChiRunning and ChiWalking some of the goals are to increase the amount of Chi, to learn to focus your Chi and to make sure your Chi does not get blocked or stagnant.

Master George Xu, my T'ai Chi teacher, is always trying to get me to focus on my dantien, my center and to have my Chi then come from that place and move into my limbs to create movement. Why? Because Chi is stronger than muscles and movement that comes from Chi is more deeply powerful.

More powerful than muscles? In the West, muscles are almost akin to a god. We worship muscles and what they represent. Covers of magazines and TV commercials extol rock hard abs and buns of steel. What is stronger than rock and steel?

In T'ai Chi we quickly learn that muscles are no match for the power of Chi. In ChiRunning and ChiWalking, we see that the power of Chi takes you much further and faster than vulnerable muscles whose duration are very short lived.

Your dantian is the best home for your Chi and the best place for you to focus your energy so that you can come form a balanced, whole place in yourself. Your dantien is just below your navel and several inches in toward your spine. In ChiRunning and ChiWalking we encourage all movement, all action, all choices to come from this center, that deep place in yourself that is home to your greatest potential and power.

Happy Running!"